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  • So Henna

  • June 02, 2023 3 min read

    Brow Henna After Brow Lamination?

    We often get asked ‘Can I use brow henna after a brow lamination’, and we get it… why wouldn’t you want to use two amazing brow treatments together to get the brows of your dreams?! Whilst it seems like a great idea on the face of it, it is actually an absolute no-go. So let’s get into why it’s so important to avoid using these two services in conjunction with one another.

    What are Henna Brows

    Henna Brows have taken the brow industry by storm due to its ability to tint both the hair and skin - lasting longer than standard brow tint. It’s also made from plants making it planet-friendly! 

    The henna powder is mixed with water instead of a chemical developer used in traditional tints. This, combined with its natural plant-extract ingredients makes it a super safe and gentle option for your clients. Remember, you should still be carrying out a patch test for brow henna as it contains a small amount of PPD which can, in some cases, cause an allergic reaction.

    Image of So Henna Henna Brows

    What is Brow Lamination?

    Brow Lamination is another very well-known treatment in the beauty industry and has become increasingly popular over the last 4 or 5 years. You may also know it as Brow Bomber, Brow Perm or Brow Lift.

    A Brow Lamination relaxes the brow hairs and then fixes them into the desired shape, lasting up to 6 weeks. This treatment is very popular with clients who have stubborn brows or like a shape that is different to what they have naturally.

    Why Can’t Brow Henna Be Used After Brow Lamination?

    Whilst we absolutely love So Henna and Brow Bomber, it has to be mentioned that they are both quite drying treatments. When used alone, and with the correct products and aftercare, the brows won’t feel dry, however using these two procedures at the same time can result in serious damage to your client's brows. 

    The molecular shape of brow henna is different from traditional brow tint as it is irregular, which is what allows it to grip to both the hair and the skin for a longer period of time. However, this means that it acts as a coating, as opposed to penetrating the hair cuticle and altering the melanin. So this means that if you were to use brow henna instead of brow tint during a brow lamination, the final solution (the hydrating treatment that stops frazzled brows) will not be able to nourish the hair due to the brow henna having created a barrier. 

    Image of Brow Henna Powder

    How Long After Brow Lamination Can I Do Henna Brows?

    We always recommend leaving 20 days between your Henna Brows and Brow Lamination treatments, as it can take this long for the brow hairs to become strong enough to receive the next treatment. It is particularly important in the first week after the treatment as this is when the hair will be the most fragile, but to avoid hair loss, over-processing and irritation, it’s best to wait around 3 weeks.

    Now, we know how tempting it can be to give these things a try, especially if it’s something your client wants, but it’s so important to follow the correct advice from the manufacturer, especially when working on the face! We have done the testing for you and trust us when we say it’s not worth it!

    brow henna, henna brows, so henna, what are henna brows, how long do henna brows, henna brows aftercare

    If you have any more questions, don’t hesitate to DM us on Instagram or hit the chat icon to speak to a member of our team.